Registration begins when your physician schedules your surgery. After that, you will receive a call from registration to obtain necessary information
and to schedule you for any pre-testing that may be needed.
Depending on what testing is needed before your surgery, there are several convenient locations available throughout the city. We will assist
you with this choice. All pre-testing needs to occur within 30 days of your scheduled surgery.
You will need to sign consent forms and present your medical and insurance information at the time of your testing. A list of items to bring to testing includes: Insurance cards and forms
• Social security number
• A complete list of medications, including names, dosage and frequency
• Your History & Physical Form
• A copy of your Advance Directives (if desired)
• Red or orange blood bank armbands (if applicable)
• A parent or guardian must accompany a minor
You will be asked to sign an Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) stating that you are responsible for payment if the test or procedure is not
fully covered by your insurance.
Day of Surgery
You will be asked to follow certain instructions the day of surgery for your protection. Your surgery may be
canceled if you do not follow these instructions. A parent or guardian must accompany a minor.
Pre-surgery restrictions:
• Nothing to eat or drink after midnight, including gum, ice and water
• No make-up
• No jewelry
• No valuables
• No contact lenses
If you are on cardiac (heart), anti-hypertensive (blood pressure), respiratory (breathing) or anti-convulsive (siezure) medications, take them with a
small sip of water. Do not take any medicine for diabetes; this includes insulin.
Please bring:
• Picture identification
• Loose fitting clothes for your trip home
• A responsible person to drive you home
• Your History & Physical Form
During your surgery
Visitors may wait in the surgical lounge waiting area to speak to the surgeon after your procedure.
We ask that you restrict visitors to two adults.
After Surgery
Once surgery has been completed, the surgeon will come to the waiting area and discuss with waiting family/friends what occurred during the operation. This generally takes place before the patient has actually been admitted to the post-anesthesia care unit. Within two hours of the patient's arrival to the recovery area, the assigned nurse will give the waiting family/friend a phone update on the patient's condition.
As the patient is admitted to the recovery area there are certain concerns that the recovery room staff
must address including:
• Shivering
• Pain
• Nausea control
• Patient wakefulness
• Adequate oxygenation
Each patient is different and the length of time that it takes to make a patient comfortable can vary greatly. Because of these factors, and the need for each patient to be closely monitored, the average length of stay in the recovery area is approximately two hours, depending upon the surgical procedure.
Due to the increase in our patient population, there is also the possibility that a patient may have to wait for an available bed. A patient may be held in the recovery area for an extended time before their inpatient bed assignment becomes available, or the same-day surgery department can accommodate them.
Under these circumstances, and once the patient is fully recovered from anesthesia and is in stable condition, the recovery room staff will try to accommodate a brief visit from the family. This visit depends on the level of care needed by other patients in this area.
If it is not possible to visit with the patient due to circumstances in the recovery room, the staff will provide a phone update to the waiting family/friends.
If visitors would like to take a break and get something to eat after the surgeon has spoken to them, they are encouraged to do so. Please let the volunteer at the desk in the waiting area know of your plans.
We hope this information will help you to better understand what occurs after surgery and to relieve some of your anxiety as you wait while family or friends are recovering from their anesthesia.
The patient will be given written and oral instructions upon discharge. Be sure these instructions are carefully followed A responsible person must drive the patient home after surgery.
If you return home the day of your surgery, it is strongly encouraged that someone stay with you for the following 24 hours.